Saturday, April 24, 2021

Short essay on sports

Short essay on sports

short essay on sports

Words Short Essay on Sports ; sports, short essay, value. The Pen Is Mightier Than Sword – Essay. Essay on the Importance of Industries to a Country. is an online article publishing site that helps you to submit your knowledge so that it may be preserved for eternity. All the articles you read in this site are Introduction On My Favourite Game Essay( words): Cricket world-famous game so many people of different age are into this sports. No matter what their age, they are into this game and try to show themselves as a professional player. Some people like to play football, badminton, swimming, etc 5/30/ · Short essay on sports and games, contains many important information about sports and its psychological, health and social importance. Here we will introduce you to short essay on sports and games that contains everything that interests you

Words Essay on Sportsmanship

Sportsmanship does not mean only taking part in sports and playing the game in conformity with the rules prescribed, but also playing the game of life in the spirit imbibed on the playing fields, short essay on sports. A true sportsman is he who observes all those rules in life which he has been taught to observe in games.

One who has achieved skill or proficiency in games but short essay on sports not learn to apply the principles of sports to life in general does not deserve to be called a sportsman. On the contrary, a man who gives evidence of possessing a sporting spirit in games is still a sportsman. Usually those who short essay on sports games develop into true short essay on sports because their character is molded by the training they are given on the field.

It implies fair play. Fairness, honesty, integrity, openness of heart and frankness -these are the qualities that a sportsman must display in life.

One should not practice deception, should not bluff, should not cheat others and should indulge in diplomacy or humility. A sportsman never takes undue advantage of the weakness of his adversary nor does he hit below the belt. The art implies obedience to the leader.

In games the players have to obey their captain and yield to him on points on which they are in disagreement with him. They must repose the fullest confidence in him, short essay on sports. In life too, a sportsman yields to his superior even if he does not agree with him. Respect for discipline is an essential part of sportsmanship. Team spirit is another important element of sportsmanship. In games the various players must cooperate with one another if they wish to win a match.

Without mutual co-operation success is impossible. Sportsmanship consists in working in full harmony with others. In cooperation indeed lies strength. Wherever a common aim binds a number of people together, they must display their sportsmanship by working harmoniously, short essay on sports, without friction or mutual jealousy.

Finally, the spirit of sportsmanship demands cheerfulness even in the face of a defeat. When two players play a tennis match, the loser does not cherish any grudge against the winner. In fact the loser congratulates his opponent on his success and shakes hands with him. Fair play, respect for discipline, recognition of the need for teamwork and cheerfulness even in the event of defeat are thus the dominant marks of a sportsman.

Sportsmanship is worthy of admiration. essaySportsmanship. Navigation Home mainmenu Home About Site Content Quality Guidelines Preserve Your Articles Disclaimer Privacy Policy ToS Copyright Contact Us Return to Content Article Shared By. Related posts: Words Short Essay on Sports for kids Write a Essay on Value of Sports — Essay for School Students Essay — Play Up! Play Up! And Play The Game! Summer Vacation Essay for School Students.

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Short Essay On Sports

, time: 1:04

Essay on Sports for Children and Students

short essay on sports

9/24/ · sports and games are essential for both physical and mental of the students. Moreover, it increases the immunity of the person. As it increases the blood flow in the body and makes it adaptable for exertion. The main difference between a sport and a 6/12/ · 10 Lines on Sports Essay Sports is a critical practice. All of us have engaged in sports in one way or another. Kids are encouraged to involve themselves in sports while in their schools and by their parents. Sports can take various forms, like outdoor and indoor games. A person who engages in Essay On Importance Of Games And Sports our body is like a machine. machine I cannot work without oiling. in the same way or body can not work properly without games and sports. The gives us energy. the importance of games and sports in our life is very great. the game make us Active and healthy

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