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Psychology research paper example pdf

Psychology research paper example pdf

psychology research paper example pdf

12/26/ · Here you will get Psychology Papers in pdf file for download. This is page number 1 It is a standardized format for the submission of a research paper. It allows for the uniform format of all research paper so as to create an orderly and “clean” looking formatted project. The standard APA Research Paper Format would be the following: Use a clean white 8 ½ × 11 bond paper. This is a standard sized bond paper used in APA Theresa Student, Psychology , Fall and Winter PID# A Eleanor Roosevelt College This is an example of a research paper that was written in fulfillment of the B.S. research paper requirement. It uses APA style for all aspects except the cover sheet (this page; the cover sheet is required by the department)

(PDF) Psychology Research Proposal | Duncan Rasugu -

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Most parents show extreme interest in knowing the gender of their newborn as that knowledge drives them into raising an expectation of the required sex role that is appropriate for their children Haugh, Hoffman and Cowan, Literature Review Stereotyped expectations tend to create a significant influence on the gender role socialization as well as the acquisition of a given sex-typed behavior Smith, Various scholars Haugh, Hoffman and Cowan, have studied the issue of adults' sex-typing infants.

According to these scholars, such assignment of sex-typed labels affects the social status of a child in his psychology research paper example pdf her teenage significantly. A study the involves different children of diverse ages assert that these children tend to participate in the socialization process differently. Ideally, parents allowed rating their infants at the time of birth often display predetermined expectations Haugh, Hoffman and Cowan, For example, parents often give girls low ratings even though there is no objective measure of difference.

The girls are normally considered as softer, smaller, more inattentive and more fine-featured as compared to their male counterparts. Moreover, it evident that parents treat male and female children in different ways. It is evident that the behavior of male and female parents towards their unfamiliar infants differ strongly McConnell-Ginet, The traits in an infant do not show uniqueness at the individual level, but rather colludes to the gender label of the infants.

The response to toddlers also differs between the two sexes. For instance, parents tend to show a positive response to girls as compared to boys in the process of playing with dolls. Notably, adult responses to infants coincide with the cultural specifications of sex stereotypes Rubin, Bukowski and Laursen, Regardless, of infant gender distinctions, the gender label plays a significant role in determining the adult responses to infants.

In turn, the behavior of such infants in response to the adult behavior shapes their socialization process in a given manner. Nevertheless, psychology research paper example pdf, the behaviors and perceptions of adults hold some few exceptional behaviors that may not depend on the assigned gender label at the infant.

However, psychology research paper example pdf, the adolescents have been known to play a significant role in regards to perceived sex-biases of infants to an extent of bringing the male of physical labeling even without observing their features exhaustively. Yan, Wang and Zhang assert that even though some studies have been done regarding the perception of adolescents on infants, the age difference of study has been different. Furthermore, other studies have also been done on the sex stereotyping of the elderly by adolescents.

Many of these studies have employed different methods. Some research outcomes have also portrayed that the relationship between sex stereotyping and age is a curvy-shaped trend that cannot be predicted easily. Purpose of the study The study purposes to examine systematically the effects of adolescents and perceived gender of infants.

Furthermore, this study also focuses on establishing an understanding of social interaction and ratings of adolescents toward the infant. Previous studies show that there are outstanding differences between perceived male and perceived female infant that is at times contrary to the actual gender.

Also, mothers, including older ones, often give positive ratings as compared to their opposite subjects. The participants of the study will involve various groups aged between 12 and 14 years old representing the adolescent age period. Research Psychology research paper example pdf The hypothesis of the study is that sex stereotyping increases consistently from preschool age to middle age before developing a plateau and eventual deceleration during the adolescent stage.

In fact, psychology research paper example pdf, sex stereotyping tends to be at some greater level among adolescents who correlate a given role to a specific gender.

Nevertheless, establishing such results has not been made possible by other researchers as the group have been neglected and treated as young. The different results drive the reason for carrying out this research to establish the behavior of children and adolescent sex stereotyping of infants.

The research focuses on the changes in sex- stereotyping perceptions among middle school age children, during the early adolescent period. The participants will be students from Albert Junior High School. The selection of the participants will be based on randomization among the psychology research paper example pdf in the leadership class. The location of the school is within the locality of a largely middle-lower class environment. Prior to the beginning of the research, informed consent of the parents of guardians of the participating students will be sought.

Likewise, the school administration will also be notified of the study, including the key coverage extent of the research. Other legal requirements will also be met from the inception of the research.

The consent of the parents will involve an incentive that will enable the students to get motivated. Any costs involving the participating students during the research will be taken care of by the researchers. Design The study will comprise of two independent variables of the gender of the adolescent and infant name condition. The adolescents will comprise of two levels of gender which includes male as well as female, one at any given session.

On the other hand, the infant tag condition which will form part of the other three levels of the names of the infants such as Jason, Lisa as well as a control condition. In finding the results of the study, the adolescents in groups of psychology research paper example pdf will rate the infants using the provided bipolar adjectives, which will be six in number. The adjectives will act as the dependent variables.

The photograph will portray the exact features of the infant together with the color image for the entire conditions of variables. The image of the infant will be duplicated by photocopying to produce a paper of size On the paper, psychology research paper example pdf, there will be different sex-typed adjectives against the pictures of the infant.

The adjectives will be chosen from the previous researchers that relate to this research. The materials used for this research will be the same for every condition with an exceptional of the names of the infants. Regarding the names, the infants will be assigned different names depending on their gender.

At the beginning of the study, the photograph of infant will be assigned a gender-typed first name, Lisa. The other infant will take the gender-typed name, psychology research paper example pdf, Jason.

Nevertheless, psychology research paper example pdf, the control photograph condition will not have any name since it will be use in testing the results. The format of the paper to be filled by the students will be as shown below: Procedure The first step will involve the assigning of the gender-typed names to twelve adolescent children who will be chosen randomly from the leadership class.

These twelve randomly chosen students will be further regrouped into threes according to a balanced gender basis. The parents of the participating will be enlightened on the purpose of the study, which is to determine the mechanism that can be applied in detecting the traits of an infant using their physical look.

The testing of each group will take place on a different and specific day. They will also be provided with further information regarding their ability to access the information once the results are ready together with the purpose of the study once the data is collected and the research comes to a completion.

The study will involve study carrels which will be used by all the students carrying out the test. This will be a scheme of hindering the comparison of the views of one student to another. Furthermore, maximum silence will be maintained during the testing such that none of the participating is distracted. Each student will receive the materials separately without letting another participant have a glimpse of it before the commencing of the study.

The guidelines of the study will be pronounced loudly to all the participants at the beginning of each session in an unbiased tenor. Every group will be read to similar directions to avoid any form of bias to any group.

The students will further be told that answers are solely based on personal opinions and, therefore, there is no right or wrong response. The students will be allowed to ask questions regarding the study and any answer needed will be provided before they begin rating the materials. Psychology research paper example pdf completion of the rating process, the papers will be collected, and the students thanked for accepting to participate in the research.

From the hypothesis, it is likely to get an outcome of values ranging from one to five in numerical. This will enable the performance of inferential statistical procedures in the two-way system, psychology research paper example pdf. A result showing 1 shows that the infant is perceived to have the first mentioned trait as compared to the second one. If the predictions of these results show a uniformity with the exact, then it will be generalized that the perceptions of the sex-stereotypes of infants also holds for adolescents.

Psychology research paper example pdf results will also be analyzed to establish its relationship with other previous studies such as that of the perception psychology research paper example pdf the elderly and mother to infants. The results will also take into consideration the parenting results.

The research results will also identify various limitations. Alongside, it will also provide suggestions that can be undertaken for exhaustive future findings.

One of such limitations is the use of a single photograph of a distinct age. Such generalization minimizes the determination of the perceptions of the adolescent group at different periods of infancy, psychology research paper example pdf.

Therefore, future studies can focus on utilizing photographs of infants of diverse ages as this would facilitate the establishment of healthy results that is likely to advance this research work. Finally, results will be analyzed to depict that the importance of the research as well as summarize it for future references.

RESEARCH PROPOSAL 10 References Haugh, S. The Eye of the Very Young Beholder: Sex Typing of Infants by Young Children. Child Development, 51 2 Leeb, R, psychology research paper example pdf. Here's Looking at You, Kid! A Longitudinal Study of Perceived Gender Differences in Psychology research paper example pdf Gaze Behavior in Young Infants.

McConnell-Ginet, S.

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psychology research paper example pdf

Psychology Research Proposal. Hoffman and Cowan, ). For example, parents often give girls low ratings even though there is no objective measure of difference. The girls are normally considered as softer, smaller, more inattentive and more fine-featured as compared to their male counterparts. The format of the paper to be filled by This research was supported by National Science Foundation Grant BCS awarded to Elizabeth A. Kensinger. Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Christina M. Leclerc, Department of Psychology, Boston College, McGuinn Hall, Room , Commonwealth Avenue, Chestnut Hill, MA Email: It is a standardized format for the submission of a research paper. It allows for the uniform format of all research paper so as to create an orderly and “clean” looking formatted project. The standard APA Research Paper Format would be the following: Use a clean white 8 ½ × 11 bond paper. This is a standard sized bond paper used in APA

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